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innov8 workshops​
What we do

Who we help

Many of our students are EBSA (Emotional Based School Avoidance) having experienced bullying or trauma, and some of our students who have mental ill-health or Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs that cannot be met at other provisions.

We have students who are being home educated and some students who have been permanently or temporarily excluded from school.

In some cases our students have an EHCP (Education and Health Care Plan) and our vocational courses form part of their overall plan.

Mechanics - Innov8 Workshops - Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

what we offer

Vocational courses to develop a Competency. 

1:1 mentoring in Connectedness and Autonomy (see Theory of Self-Determination)

Theory of Self-Determination & Motivation

innov8 Workshops is not about child counselling or diagnosis. We are here to improve their wellbeing and their prospects by improving their Self-Determination & Motivation.

People who are high in Self-Determination are more likely to be motivated and have a higher degree of wellbeing and resilience (Deci & Ryan 2008).

To achieve higher Self-Determination, we work on improving Competency, Connectedness and Autonomy in the children.


(get good at something)

innov8 Workshops provides a balanced choice of vocational courses designed for broad appeal.

Each child will have the opportunity of trying their hand at different vocations and their engagement and interest is measured using the Leuven scale.

Once a child discovers a vocation they enjoy, we help them develop their Competency in that vocation up to Level 1

wood making workshop - Innov8 - Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk


(Everyone wants to feel loved)

Innov8 provides an opportunity for improved connectedness between parent, or carers, and our children.

As our children develop their competency in Cooking, Woodworking, Music, Art, Bicycle mechanics, Horticulture or Hair & Beauty they can capture their achievements and post the results on their private online platform.

Children can invite their parents or carers onto the platform to witness their development and increasing competency.

The children experience a taste of success and receive praise and reward for their efforts.

Additionally, the children develop connectedness with their Mentors who help in their development and understanding of relationships.


(To make choices and have control over our own lives and behaviours).

All innov8 Workshops vocational courses include the development of the following skills which improve autonomy;

  • Choice-making
  • Decision-making
  • Problem-solving
  • Goal-setting and attainment
  • Self-regulation (including self-observation, evaluation, and reinforcement)
  • Self-advocacy (ability to express needs and wants assertively and take action on their own behalf)
  • Positive self-efficacy (encourages individuals to believe in their ability to perform and achieve goals)
  • Self-awareness (allows individuals to identify and understand their needs, strengths, and limitations)

The result of increased competence, connectedness and autonomy is increased self-determination. With increased self-determination comes increased wellbeing and motivation.

For further outcomes please see the section on Student pathway & Beneficiary outcomes.

Student pathway & Beneficiary Outcomes

What is innov8 Workshops

innov8 Workshops is a Wellbeing & Vocation Provision applying the theory of Self-Determination & Motivation

Development of self-determination

(Get good at something)

(Feel loved)

(Gain independence & confidence)

Children, 11 – 15 year olds

Competence – Through vocational courses
Try a variety of vocational subects
Choose one vocational course, get good at it
Take functional skills Maths & English

Connectedness – Through online platform & mentoring
Increased connectedness with parents & carers

Autonomy – Autonomy skills
Development of autonomy skills through vocational course work and mentoring
Development of BTEC Core Skills

leading to – Students, 16-18 year olds

Go to college, Level 1+

leading to – adults 19+

Find a job

outcomes for students & FAMILIES




Families & guardians

11 – 16 year olds @ innov8 Workshops

Discovery of an enjoyable vocation
Development of competency in that vocation
Improved connectedness with parents and carers
Increased confidence with knowledge
Taste of achievement & success
Improved wellbeing

11 – 16 year olds @ innov8 Workshops

Less stress at home
More free time for parents
Increased connectedness to child

leading to – Students, 16-18 year olds

Attainment of qualification
Improved confidence
Improved well-being
Improved resilience

leading to – adults 19+


innov8 workshops

Friendly Atmosphere Icon


Learn New Skills Icon

new skills

Staff Always Here to Help Icon

staff always
here to help

Staff DBS Checked Icon

all staff have enhanced
child workforce DBS checks

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