At the end of the first half of our Spring Term we are delighted to update you all on the progress we have been making at
innov8 workshops. Perhaps most importantly we have seen some really material steps from some of the young people who have come to us in the last six weeks.
Students from the Priory Group all finished their personal boxes and student FB has successfully recorded, produced and published his first podcast. We have made significant progress with recruitment this year, with two new mentors joining the team. The addition of Ellie Green and Shaun Sivertsen brings us to five full time mentors, with five workshops now fully operational.
Our first workshop continues to go from strength to strength as Rory helps our young people do increasingly sophisticated woodwork. Gear Monkey is now under the control of Shaun who brings with him his huge experience in bike mechanics, whilst Music gets ever more creative under Nick’s mentorship. Piers is driving Arts Monkey, which is already demonstrating the power of creative output. Our newest-recruit Ellie has super-charged Grow Monkey despite the season, with some hard digging, turning the field into a vegetable patch. In total we are now delivering over 120 hours of mentoring and teaching to over 40 young people every week.