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Innov8 Outdoors

nature and the great outdoors has a positive impact on general mental health, so in innov8 outdoors we aim to capture that as our students learn about everything from horticulture to wildlife.

Innov8 Outdoors - Workshops, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

According to a 2022 report from the Wildlife Trust’s Our Bright Future scheme, young people’s mental health, self-confidence and employability were boosted by participation in nature projects like innov8 Outdoors across the UK.

More than 128,000 people aged 11 to 24 took part in youth nature projects; 95% of participants felt their confidence had improved by taking part, while 86% said it had improved their mental health.

Two-thirds said their appreciation of the natural world and belief that they could make a difference to their local environment had significantly increased.

What we do

At our two sites (in the Cathedral gardens and at our allotment) students can learn how to grow everything, from vegetables and herbs for the innov8 Cook kitchen, to trees and shrubs or wildflower meadows.

As the gardening year unfolds, we practice soil preparation and planting, tending our crops, pruning and garden maintenance – and harvesting our home-grown produce. We also have the opportunity to try some garden construction: sheds, compost bins, bird boxes, ponds and raised beds.

We follow the seasons in our gardens and experience all the challenges and joys that eco-gardening presents. Alongside the growing cycle comes an understanding of climate, wildlife and the great outdoors and all that brings.

innov8 Workshops - Open Day, Bury St Edmunds

innov8 workshops

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